Welcome to my personal web page!
Sallam Abualhaija

Research Scientist

SnT - Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust
University of Luxembourg
29 Avenue J.F Kennedy
L-1855 Luxembourg

Email: sallam.abualhaija [AT] uni [DOT] lu
Phone: (+352) 46 66 44 - 5931


I’m a Research Scientist at SnT, University of Luxembourg. My research focuses on applying artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for solving diverse challanges related to software engineering, with an emphasis on requirements engineering and regulatory compliance. I am particularly interested in generative large language models (LLMs) among other natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) technologies for mining text, extracting information. In the past years, I have conducted majority of my research in close collaboration with industry partners. My research activities span several industry sectors including legal services, crises management, telecommunications, maritime, and automotive.

I believe that research goes hand in hand with critical thinking. Coming up with innovative ideas requires courage to challenge preconceptions. I find communication with others invaluable in the development and understanding of research ideas. Most of my research ideas are inspired from interacting with others. I often like to borrow and apply ideas from different disciplines. My research is motivated from real-life problems. I am eager to use my expertise for developing innovative solutions to be applied in a practical context.

A list of my puclications is available at DBLP and Google Scholar.